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Not Even Close

Here's the thing about a blog... you think, do I really have something to say that people will want to read?! Oh wait, not everyone thinks that? Just me?

Here's what I realized, though, while playing around with the idea of starting a blog (again - I used to have a travel blog): there is enough that I want to put out there that it doesn't always fit into an Instagram post. How many people read it, is less important. At least for now.

I want to share tips and tricks, thoughts and recipes, motivation and the journey. We're all in this together.

Additionally, after having my 2017 wedding invite stack go from one to five (within a month!), I realized I needed people who were in the same place in their lives. I'm so happy for each and everyone of these couples - SO HAPPY and yet, it highlights with the blaring clarity of unkind spotlights highlighting acne, how far away I am from that. I'm not even close. That feeling of failure is profound. I'm struggling with it, daily - trying to analyze why.

Why does being single make me feel like such a failure? When I know, I'll let you know... In the meantime, let's make pancakes.



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