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A New Month

As a bullet journaler, the end of the month means setting up a new monthly spread. If you're like me, you tend to have a minimum of monthly trackers - they get lost in the fray and I stop using them.

Let's get planning!

I do a monthly overview - which honestly, I do mostly because I like the way it looks. Some months it turns out prettier than others, but I enjoy the circular overview. I've waffled between color coding the days based on my work schedule (i.e., different shifts for different colors) or just jotting down my shifts in the weekly schedule (and have the printout of the work schedule in the back of my bujo).

What's Cookin', Good Lookin'?

There is always a list at the beginning of the month - todos, important things to remember, etc. The title varies... What's up, buttercup? What's the story, morning glory? What's cookin', good lookin'? What's the word, humming bird? What's kicking', kitten? As I schedule these events, I log it here, as well. While working on this month's spread, I merges bullet points from last month's spread - or crossed them off, etc.

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

I'm trying out a newer cleaning spread. I want this to be more automatic so that, eventually, I do not need to track it. For now, though, there is a list of ever day things (dishes, wiping down the kitchen, table, etc), weeklies and monthlies. I'm working on the kinks of this spread, so it's not ideal. I like having a calendar overview and need to see what works throughout the month.


One of my spring goals and a necessity for my job is keeping up-to-date with publications and developments via podcasts. This becomes a list to check-off with four to five podcasts that I know I need to listen to this month. Often, others get added to the list as the month goes on, so the spread isn't ideal. I haven't had a lightbulb moment, though, so for now it's just a list. If you have any ideas, I'd loved to hear them!

Run To Success

On par with the bikini series, I have a running tracker. Contrary to my other trackers, this needs to be monthly because I need to see the progress (in frequency and time) over the month.

That's basically it for my monthlies, as my habit trackers are weekly. This is what works for me - and what I love about bullet journaling! It's not set in stone, so you can change it as you go. Additionally, I use washi tape as a way to mark the pages. One long strip on the side of the page for the new month - and tabs for my weekly, my meal plan, workout schedule, habit tracker and all things TIU. I also use washi tape as decoration, mainly because it's prettier than regular tape. It's that simple.

Do you bujo? Show me your planner! Haven't started yet? Let me know if you have any questions!



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